Please remember to visit the pages of the blog for more detailed deep learning experiences by the students.
The calendar for our daily plans
Graphics representing Students' Thinking.
The System 2 Thinkers and The JEFF'S analyzed and calculated the results of their flying rockets. The students also analyzed their feedback if they have impacted the Grade 5 students when presenting the Sustainable Global Goals designs. Reading, summarizing texts, determining essential ideas and grammar skills are still being applied to improving French oral and written thinking tasks.
In science, we are evaluating and assessing the impact of aviation on society. In social studies we are inquiring and developing Canadian identities and diversities of culture and it impacts on the 150th anniversary of Canada.
The System 2 Thinkers and the JEFFs will be presenting and sharing their learning with the school community about the sustainable Global Goals. Meet with experts online about Water Week to build knowledge about the sustainability of water in Canada and worldwide. The students will be designing water filters and getting feedback on a weekly basis from the University of Ottawa Engineers. We will also begin with the inquiry on flight.
The JEFF"s and the System 2 Thinkers continue with deep learning by applying their thinking about Global Goals of Sustainable Development by collaborating and knowledge building through the causal model. They will inquire and explore about Space and Flight. Both teams will continue with their Entrepreneurial project creating and designing their products. We will also begin with our Social studies on Canadian Identity and present and the past communities.
This month's exploration is based on Global Goals, empathy and learning about Global issues and Canadian involvement. Please visit the pages for more details. We continue to reach to experts for feedback and new learning from incredible professional online specialists. Analyzing, reflecting and all 6C's are an important part of our thinking and learning process. Please visit your child's online folders for rich deep learning tasks.
The students are developing full ownership of their learning by risk-taking and reflecting by knowledge building through collaborative critical thinking experiences.
Both teams have completed their energy projects. They are applying their creativity by designing sustainable cities on Minecraft. The cities will be shared with an architect and an urban designing engineer from the university of Toronto for feedback.
We began our inquiries on United Nations Global Goals. The students will be exploring the causes and the targets that countries are required to achieve by 2030. The students are also analyzing the meaning of "empathy" when discussing world issues. Through visual arts and drama, they will present the causes and effect through the lens of empathy.
Please have your child share with you the full process about energy. They are always given opportunities to compare, share and analyze their learning in teams to develop their thinking and oral communications. They have recordings of their thinking. Please also review with your child the skills that they have reflected when explaining the climate change through integrative thinking, the causal model. They also independently evaluated about the function of the energy and its effect on the environment. The application of Minecraft is still to be evaluated on the rubric. If your child's rubric is not completed due to missing assessment documents. I will be sharing an audio of next steps on Remind with you this week.
The students are encouraged to apply their metacognition by reflecting three times a week on the Google calendar that is embedded in their blog. Reflection is a learning experience to analyze their learning and improve their French communication.
The System 2 Thinkers and the JEFF have completed their inquiries on renewable energy. They applied critical thinking, collaboration and communication by completing causal models on Climate Change. In teams, they orally recorded their communication about economic, political and environmental factors and effect on the Climate change. They will be evaluated on the energy process. they will get their grade in January. Please ask your students about the process as they all have everything documented in their Hapara Science and French folders.
System2 Thinkers and The JEFF reflect on their skills and update the process of their design of the arcade games. We will explore how does energy effect political, economical and environmental decisions across our nation and our world.
System 2 Thinkers and the JEFF will explore the design process by completing their interactive cardboard games. The games will be displayed for the whole school, at the makers faire and the parent community. They will be capturing and reflecting about the process explaining the iterations of the design in relation to electricity and function.
The blog will regularly be updated with our learning tasks. Please leave comments and suggestions that you could connect us to experts in relation to our learning.
The Newsletter link September Introduction
Technology letter and form Permission for classroom pictures and videos
Remind Link for signing up for notifications
Curriculum: We are focusing on electricity and its functions.
Integrative Thinking and Design Thinking : The causal model, valuing opposing ideas to mash up for one idea , the visual alphabet.
Researching skills
An infographic of searching tools
The students began reflecting about their learning on the calendar that encourages metacognition by thinking about how they learn, by confirming and identifying their new learning.
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