
January 10th

Happy New Year and hoping you had a chance to spend time with your families. 

JEFF and the 3D Thinkers are embarking on their Global Goals and Canadian contributions globally. They began their research of sustainable goals to find facts and the targets required by 2030. The students will demonstrate their research through visual art and drama explaining the global goals.

The week of January 13th

The 3D Thinkers and the JEFF's began exploring the lens of empathy through UN Global goal. They also began their inquiries about the causes of the Global Goals.

Minecraft sample with criteria that students created for their responsibilities.

All Grade 6 students are taking part in the Entrepreneurship adventure. We will be meeting every Friday 3rd block as a team. This week the understanding what is entrepreneurial was unpacked and began to define roles and responsibilities that will continue with next week. Gordon Mills a lawyer and a business banker from Toronto-Dominion will be our business partner who will join us for most meetings to guide students' innovations and business models. 

January 16th

The 3D Thinkers and the JEFF's continue to develop their critical thinking by analyzing the causes of the Global Goal. They need to be read the goal in English first and summarize the causes and the factors by referring to the French explanation of the goal. It is a process to be able to summarize and explain the facts and learn new French vocabulary relevant to explaining the goal. 

January 19th

Thanks for the parents' volunteers who were able to guide both teams with the arts. The students completed the masks representing the lens of empathy towards the Global Goal. The students began planning the drawing representing the problem of the global goal. 

The 3D thinkers had Mr. Meli from Natural Resources Canada for feedback about their durable cities.

We will continue with the visual art, the reading about the global goals and begin preparing for drama.

January 25th

The 3D Thinkers and the JEFF's continue persevering with the drawing of the Global Golas. Each student has planned the causes and by using hatching they are exploring 3-dimensional effects.
IN French we are focusing on the reading and determining key ideas in relation to the causes and factors to the problems of the global goals. The students are editing their inquiry by improving and applying specific words describing the problems.

The 3D Thinkers completed the Sustainable designs of durable cities. Unfortunately, the Minecraft world for the PM class has again been again lost due to server overriding when students are logging in. Some students decided to draw the innovative criteria and others will persevere restarting with Minecraft. 

January 26th

With some internet difficulties, the 3D Thinkers managed to chat online with Dr Marianne Hatxopoulou from the university of Toronto.

I captured most of the chats and the students will also be screencastifying their cities for documentation.

January 31st

The 3D thinkers and the JEFF continue to improve the causes of the U.N Global Goals by adding specific vocabulary and applying grammar to the causes and effects. 

I am still trying to reach all students individually for feedback about the application and improvements to the causes of the Global Goal.

Thanks to the parent volunteers who have helped us complete the art. The students are in the process of finishing up the Eyes of Empathy by sketching the problem of the Global Goal by adding the Papier Mache mask.

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