Thank you to the parents who were able to drive the students to the EY center.
Day 2 at Kidsfest
April 4-5 &6th
I am very proud of students' achievement in their skills and overall thinking skills. The students who are reflecting regularly the progress is evidence in their French communication.
The 2D Thinkers and the JEFF"s have completed many facts and causes to water with the First Nation community. Danielle an electronic and mechanical engineer from Ottawa will be reviewing the students'water filter designs.
Perseverance and collaboration are evident in their Global Goal project by learning how to program sensors to inform the school community about the Sustainable Global Goals.
All students have Doodles, visual literacy of their learning and they are being assessed by recording a conversation with a colleague explaining their sketching in relation to their learning.
The Jeff's began experimenting with the flight with a focus on the forces and air pressure.
April 10 -13th
Both groups are exploring programming using Scratch X or Sequence builder using Hummingbird board. They are applying the technology by focusing on their skills and reflecting on the process of critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, character, and citizenship. They have the responsibility to inform our school community next week about Sustainable Global Goals.
The students continue exploring air pressure and the forces acting on an object and when it is in flight, taking off and landing.
The students in partners are applying their oral communication about the week on World Water day. It is an assessment of the main ideas fo all the session that they explored during the week. They doodled the main ideas of the learning and they are assessed on their oral competency of explaining the facts.
We will continue with reading, summary writing and the conjugation fo the passe compose.
The System 2 Thinkers and the JEFF continue to persevere with their critical thinking and responsibility for learning. Lots of focus on character, citizenship and developing strong reading skills, written and oral communication skills.
Both teams continue to focus on their metacognitive learning by applying French and new learning from the daily classroom experience. Through reflections, students develop responsibility and French skills. Ownership of learning is important and decision making of how to learn and how to learn is important at this time of the year. By reflecting the students are also thinking about their own learning process and building confidence in taking risk of the learning process. I have seen improvement in character development when students reflect not only on their learning also on their actions and next steps. Through the effort of reflecting in French, their confidence is evident when applying French communication.
April 19th
System 2 thinkers and the JEFF's continue to apply their skills to their everyday actions towards their learning. They have become experts together on their knowledge and understanding and risk taking in solving problems. They always take risks and persevere. Thier reading, communication and writing skills continue to improve.
We are beginning to explore flight by building rockets to be launched,. The students will focus on the forces of flight and designs in order to keep the rocket in flight for a longer distance. Lots of mathematical applications
Both groups continue with the water filter designs for the Frist Nation Communities. The engineers will take the materials lists to have students assemble and test the filters soon.
All of their Social studies assessment has been updated and your child needs to share with you the Social studies assessments.
On Wednesday the ministry filmed the students taking ownership of their learning. The students shared their daily ongoing pedagogical learning experiences applying their skills and integrative thinking.
Lots of letters and permission slips will be going home soon. Many dates to keep track as the year ends. On April 26th the students will be visiting All Saints.
We finish April by taking actions by sharing the Sustainable Global Goals with the Grade 5 students at St. Gabriel. The Grade 6 students were to find ways to provoke students' thinking through their conceptions, by impacting the Grade 5 students' critical thinking and have them reflect on their actions by presenting the problems of sustainability from around the world.
All Social studies rubric on Sustainable Global Goals have been evaluated and the water facts written and orally have been evaluated. Students have their grade and comment on the criteria on Questions in their Hapara folder. I have also captured their responses about their reflections on habits in class and why they matter to our classroom culture. Please take the time to check all their thinking on water and have them share with you the journey.
We will be continuing with the reading skills of determining main ideas and summarizing texts. Last week all students should have posted 2 summaries on their blog about the importance of schools and health for the world. We will continue with flight next week.
Education week is a week full of events. Music Monday singing takes place across Canada at 1:00 o'clock. It is a song that covers Canadien diversity.
Tuesday will be the school mass, permission forms went home. The am class wil also have a preview of the book fair
Wednesday will be double lunch day, please read the letter. Book Fair purchases are scheduled for us from 11:20- 11:40
Thursday Grade 6 students EA showcase fundraising for Cheo.
Friday Muffin Breakfast, Newsshow, Jump rope for heart.
Please check the Schedule
The students continue to persevere with the water filters and the engineers from the university of Ottawa will be guiding the students for their prototypes.
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