
June 5th to the 8th

We began last week the composition and choreography of the elements of dance. The students are using a choreography from the Ballet of Canada composed for the 10th anniversary and adding 2 cultural dances. They are also integrating the diversity of cultures including a powwow to tell a historical aboriginal event. 

In Social Studies both teams are building their own map representing the history and the present
of a culture of their choice. They all started their research. Lots of reading and analyzing. 

We continue to receive and apply feedback about French grammar skills and reading comprehension. 

System 2 Thinkers and the Jeff's have completed their dance choreography representing some moves from the Canada 150 Choreography, 2 cultures choreography of students' choice and a powwow story for indigenous heritage. All of the dance videos have been shared with them in Google Drive. The students will be reflecting on their skills of collaboration and character during the dance. I will be sending a remind if students could complete the reflection on the competencies at home. Next week I will be giving them feedback. 

For Social Studies, most of the students have completed their research about the history and heritage of a cultural nationality immigrating to Canada. The reasons for leaving their country, settling in Canada, trades, traditions, and talents that they contributed in building diverse communities in Canada.  This task is open-ended and it takes time to read through the library archives and Historica Canada to find the specific information. 

Track and field was a great day and engaging day for the students to participate and try their best at all physical stations. 

The students are excited about the testing of the water filters if they would remove contaminants from the water. The contaminated water has been tested for many elements. 

Please send the plastic bags again to school, we were unable to take home the art due to rain and our busy schedule. The students will collect their art next week. 

June 12th- 16th

System 2 Thinkers had a hangout this a.m. about sharks for biodiversity. The students learned about the species and its value to the ecosystem. 

All Grade 6 students joined us today for a hangout from Tuktoyaktuk, NT Cheeta Charlee. It was very informative about the past and the present of the community In North West territory Inuvialuit.

System2 Thinkers and the JEFF's are focusing on the history and the geography of Canada. They have researched their heritage or another culture from 1900  for reasons of immigrating to Canada, where they have settled in Canada and their influence on the community. The students are also searching the cultural influence in present Canada.  The students are learning to create Google My Maps of their research, Both groups have also started exploring music by recording beats of a song by using Incredibos and in groups playing Ostinato chasing tempo, dynamics and beats. 

System 2 Thinkers had a French Hangout with Partners In Research in celebration of Canada 150th about Canadian Inventions. 

The JEFF's also joined a live hangout about Canada C3 ship crossing Canada waterways for the 150th anniversary. We joined live from the St. Lawrence Seaway. The session was bilingual and focused on the plastic water pollution and marine life.

All students have completed their group ostinatos and finding matching beats of a song of their choice on Incredibox. 

The students also explored the history and the present of Canadian diverse history. The causes and the factors of excuses from the past to the aceptance of present diverse immigrants for multiculturism.

I would also like to thank you for your support and engaging in your child's learning process. It is great to watch the amazing growth that the students have acquired in building their skills, reflecting on the competencies and become critical thinkers.

Please send plastic bags with students tomorrow for the clean up of all folders. Please take the time to check their evidence of learning online and in the folders. 

Most important lesson From Albert Einstein is:

1. “Information Is Not Knowledge.”

2. “If You Can't Explain It Simply, You Don't Understand It Well Enough.”

3. “A Person Who Never Made A Mistake Never Tried Anything New.”

4. “It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity.”

5. “It Is The Supreme Art Of The Teacher To Awaken Joy In Creative Expression And Knowledge.”

6. “Whoever Is Careless With The Truth In Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted With Important Matters.”

This blog post explains the theory

Please refer to St. Brigid Essentials for Tuesday:

The Essentials 
Suggested items to include: (it is suggested that you label all items with child's name)
  • bathing suits (one for mud pit? Not white), towel, t-shirt for swimming (if really sunny)
  • Extra set of clothes for changing and for ride home (T-shirts, shorts, socks, underwear, long pants, sweatshirt or jacket/rain coat, etc)
  • running shoes (needed for running games) and sandals (for the beach)
  • a hat, water bottle and sunblock (spf 25 or higher)
  • plastic bags (e.g., Grocery Bags) to carry wet clothing home in.
Sun Protection 
The sun can be very strong, especially when you are near the water. Please bring a good sunblock, spf 30 or higher, a hat and a T-shirt with short-sleeves that can be worn in the water (for those extremely sunny days). Please reinforce the importance of sun protection, and apply sunscreen before your child leaves home in the morning.

Leave at Home 
Please do not bring valuables (money, jewelry, iPods, electronic games, etc.) to camp. There is nothing to buy, and with the numbers of people on site, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of valuable items.

Wishing all students great success with their new ventures. Enjoy the summer!

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